Rosilda | Kriola in Canada Helping You Find Freedom



Meet Rosilda Xavier, a passionate Kriola currently residing in Ontario, Canada. Ranja CV sat down for an interview with Rosilda to learn more about her work in Financial Services and Business Ownership, as well as her experience growing up Cabo Verdean in Canada.

Rosilda Xavier is a hard-working professional, helping individuals find freedom through financial services and business ownership.  Ranja CV reached out to Rosilda to learn more about her experience growing up in Canada, as well as the details of her work! Rosilda grew up just outside of Toronto, Ontario, Canada in a city called Mississauga, where she currently lives today. Both her parents were born on the beautiful island of Fogo, Cabo Verde. 

Growing up in Canada

“Although I was born in Toronto, my parents made sure early on that I was connected to my culture through teaching me the language, giving me the food and always having cultural references around like, playing the music, artifacts in the home, taking me to  CV at a young age, etc.,” Rosilda told Ranja CV. 

“Being CV where I grew up was like being a needle in a haystack,” said Rosilda. “I’ve always been asked ‘What are you?’, with most people expecting me to be mixed with 2 specific things due to the large mixed population here.” 

“When I would answer Cape Verdean, no one ever knew where it was so I would follow-up with an explanation of its location and a little history,” Rosilda said. “I always found this to be something cool and that made me unique. I love being Cape Verdean and it’s a pleasure to be able to enlighten people that have never heard of it.” 



Proud to Be Cabo Verdean

Although there were not many Krioulus where Rosilda grew up, she grew up with a great deal of pride for Cabo Verdean culture. 

“What I appreciate most about being CV is the diversity and morabeza,” Rosilda told Ranja CV.  “A CV person can look like literally anything!  With our diverse gene pool, a room full of CV people can be a real ‘catchupada’,  yet we are one. On top of that, in any CV setting that you are in, there is always an immense feeling of love, hospitality and kindness otherwise known as ‘morabeza’. It’s a feeling that I think really embodies our culture, which loves to have a great time amongst great company.”  

Rosilda’s Work in Financial Services and Business Ownership

When Rosilda is not enjoying that CV morabeza, she is busy collaborating with individuals, using her expertise in financial services and business ownership. Rosilda offers a large range of financial services, including travel coverage, savings & investments, and much more. Rosilda also works with individuals in Canada to create successful businesses to generate wealth and financial freedom.

“I love the ability to make a significant impact in people’s lives in addition to my own,” Rosilda said. “As an independent broker, it’s powerful to be able to help people develop plans or purchase products that can significantly help themselves and their families in times of need and in achieving their goals. As a Brokerage owner, it’s amazing to be able to provide an opportunity for people to have a fulfilling career and achieve the freedom and flexibility in their lives that many people strive for and seek.”  

“I’m passionate about inspiring others to achieve time freedom and abundance in their lives through finances and business ownership,” Rosilda wrote on her website “Many people are going through life shrinking their dreams to fit their income, instead of finding a vehicle to allow them to live out their dreams.”

Visit Rosilda today to learn more about her work, and consider reaching out for any financial services, or to discuss business ownership! 

Our Beautiful Cabo Verdean Heritage

We ended our wonderful conversation with Rosilda by discussing the beauty of CV culture.

“On a global scale, being Cabo Verdean is incredibly unique and beautiful,” Rosilda said. “No matter where you are in the world, embrace and love your CV heritage and always remember those that came before us and paved the way for where we are.” 

“We are hardworking people with many that have made a great impact in this world,” Rosilda said.  “If you live outside of the islands or were born outside like me, I encourage everyone to go and visit if you haven’t already. Your eyes will be opened to the roots, beauty, love and opportunity that exists there for us. You will feel at home, like you may have never before. Um Abraço pa nhos tudo!” - Rosilda Xavier

Thank you Rosilda for representing Cabo Verdeans so well.

Muito Obrigada, Ranja CV

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Ranja CV